Monday, June 30, 2014

Miracles in the Making: Grant Recipient Cassandra Hodgen

Meet our northern friend Cassie Hodgden!

Cassie is a 36 year old wife and mother living in Minnesota.  Her family has relocated from the city to the country to be closer to her mother and in-laws so she can have help with her children. She has 3 children of her own and 4 step-children.  What a strong woman! Cassie's sister was diagnosed with colon cancer and found out that it was genetic. Cassie went through testing for colon cancer since her sister had been diagnosed, which is how she discovered that she herself  had colon cancer. Cassie had no symptoms of her own but was being proactive for her health since her sister had been diagnosed! We love that about Cassie! Many lives can be saved from colon cancer if we encourage our family members to get screened!

Since being diagnosed with colon cancer, she had her entire colon removed. She ended up having to be hospitalized for 2 weeks due to complications. Cassie has also been diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome, which is a heredity disorder that leads to increased risk of developing many types of cancer.  Cassie has to travel 2 hours to her doctor appointments in the city multiple times per month. She is thankful that she is still able to work as a photographer but she is working to build a new client base out in the country of Minnesota.

What beautiful babies!!!

Another fun fact that MMCCF just adores about Cassie is that she suggested that our grant recipients have a community where they can connect with others just like them! With her encouragement, we just started a new facebook group for specifically OUR MMCCF grant recipients to connect, encourage, and grow with each other! We hope that this may benefit our MMCCF friends! <3 Thank you Cassie!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Miracles in the Making: Grant Recipient Marcie Wiley

Y'all meet this precious woman, Marcie.

Marcie started to have some troubles with her bowels. Her doctor found that she had several hemorrhoids. While Marcie was in surgery to remove these hemorrhoids, the surgeon found that her condition was much more serious than originally anticipated. She was diagnosed with colon cancer and started treatment immediately.

As Marcie battles her colon cancer diagnosis and undergoes treatment, she is living away from her family, who live in a different state. She is unable to work at this time due to her treatment schedule. Marcie has been through the grind to find organizations who can help her and she found Meredith's Miracles. We were able to help her out with one month of rent and one month of her car payment to help her battle seem just a slight bit easier!

Blessings to you Marcie! Keep on pushing on!