Kyle Lovering is a 27 year old husband to Kaylee and dedicated father to two children: Kyler, age 7 and Kylee, age 4. He lives in Florida and loves cheering on his favorite baseball team: The Tampa Bay Rays. He enjoys skate boarding, drawing, and of course playing with his two kids!
Kyle was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2010. He has gone through numerous treatments of radiation and chemo, and surgery to remove his cancerous mass. The cancer has spread to his lymph nodes and lungs. He has recently been in and out of the hospital due to infections and complications. He is currently starting another round of chemo after being off for 131 days. Meredith's Miracles granted Kyle and his family $790 to cover two months of bills (Gas to and from chemo, Car insurance, Phone bill, Daycare costs). We hope that this grant will give Kyle and his lovely family a little support through their fight against colon cancer.